
Boat Disposal and Recycling & Environmental Impact Reduction

We offer a progressive service to reduce your boat’s environmental impact including End of Life disposal and boat recycling.

In a time where the need to reduce our carbon footprint couldn’t be more important, we offer assessment and installation services that can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your vessel when you are out enjoying the maritime, river and inland waterways ecosystems.

The whole processes starts off with an environmental survey of your vessel, this can be done in or out of the water. You will receive a report detailing your current impact and what can be done to reduce this to as low as is reasonably practicable with estimated costs.

How we then reduce your environmental impact is by:


Scheduling regular boat maintenance with us, does not only keep your boat in top condition, it extend it’s lifespan. A well-maintained boat has fewer issues, such as engine leaks that could endanger marine life. Another example is how clean hulls increase your vessel’s aqua-dynamics resulting improvements in fuel efficiency, which in turn, reduce the boat’s carbon footprint.


You may consider switching to electric/hybrid engines or simply running on biodiesel to lower your boat’s impact on the environment.

Simply changing to biofuels mean a great fuel alternative, because they burns cleaner with lower air emissions and reduces smoke, soot, and carbon dioxide emissions. In case of spillage, biodiesel is also less toxic to underwater ecosystems.


We can install renewable energy, including solar panels and water or wind generators, to keep batteries charged at the dock or mooring on the trailer or while underway during long-distance journeys. This helps you reduce energy costs and the boat's environmental impact.


We offer a bilge cleaning service which ensures that all contaminants have been removed. This means that when you pump out, the bilge water is clean. We are proud to offer a bilge water filtration system that safeguards against an uncontrolled release of contaminated water into the natural environment. This is a very cost effective method of greenifying your boat. Our filter systems can be installed in most boats without any significant modification. The filter system itself is powerless and unobtrusive, normally only requiring simple seasonal maintenance.

We also fit, clean and maintain black and grey water holding tanks so you do not need to flush out.


We offer a wide selection of low to zero impact boat maintenance products from anti-fouling to general cleaning products that are significantly less toxic than conventional products. They work just as well and there also can be significant long-term cost savings.

Getting the best environmental performance out of your vessel is part of your deal with our natural environment. It will help reach the end goal of clean seas and rivers.